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最終更新日: 2025-01-02 Thu 20:49
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Table of Contents

ActivePerl で CPAN

  • CPANに必要なのは、Test-Harness と、Scalar-List-Utils
  • Test-Harness (2.62)
"C:¥Program Files¥Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003¥Vc7¥bin¥vcvars32.bat"
perl Makefile.PL
nmake test
nmake install
  • Scalar-List-Utils (1.23)
perl Makefile.PL
nmake test
nmake install
  • CPAN (1.9304)
perl Makefile.PL
nmake test
nmake install

ActivePerl インストール直後の ppm構成

  • Active Perl をインストール
    • インストール先は C:¥usr¥Perl¥ 。「Enable PPM3 to send profile info to ASPN」のチェックははずしたまま
  • ppm3 を実行。 インストール直後は下記の構成になっているようだ。
ppm> query *
Using cached query result set 1.
   1. Archive-Tar          [1.08] module for manipulation of tar archives.
   2. Compress-Zlib        [1.22] Interface to zlib compression library
   3. Data-Dump            [1.02] Pretty printing of data structures
   4. Digest               [1.05] Modules that calculate message digests
   5. Digest-HMAC          [1.01] Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
   6. Digest-MD2           [2.03] Perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm
   7. Digest-MD4            [1.1] Perl interface to the MD4 Algorithm
   8. Digest-MD5           [2.33] Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm
   9. Digest-SHA1          [2.07] Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
  10. File-CounterFile     [1.04] Persistent counter class
  11. Font-AFM             [1.18] Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
  12. HTML-Parser          [3.36] HTML parser class
  13. HTML-Tagset          [3.03] Data tables useful in parsing HTML
  14. HTML-Tree            [3.18] HTML syntax tree builder
  15. IO-Zlib              [0.26] IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
  16. libwin32             [0.22] A collection of extensions that aims to provide comprehensive access to the Windows API.
  17. libwww-perl          [5.76] Library for WWW access in Perl
  18. MD5                  [2.03] Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm (obsolete)
  19. MIME-Base64          [2.23] Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
  20. PPM                   [2.2] Perl Package Manager: locate, install, upgrade software packages.
  21. PPM-Agent-Perl      [3.0.4] PPM Installer Backend for Perl
  22. SOAP-Lite            [0.55] Library for Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) clients and servers in Perl
  23. Storable         [] persistency for perl data structures
  24. Test-Simple          [0.47] Basic utilities for writing tests
  25. Tk                [800.024] A Graphical User Interface Toolkit
  26. URI                  [1.29] Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
  27. XML-Parser           [2.27] A Perl module for parsing XML documents
  28. XML-Simple           [2.09] Easy API to read/write XML (esp config files)

ActivePerl ppm構成(例)

ppm> query *
Using cached query result set 1.
   1. Archive-Tar            [1.08] module for manipulation of tar archives.
   2. Archive-Zip            [1.14] Provide an interface to ZIP archive files.
   3. Compress-Raw-Bzip2    [2.008] Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
   4. Compress-Raw-Zlib     [2.008] Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library
   5. Compress-Zlib          [1.22] Interface to zlib compression library
   6. Data-Dump              [1.02] Pretty printing of data structures
   7. Digest                 [1.05] Modules that calculate message digests
   8. Digest-HMAC            [1.01] Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
   9. Digest-MD2             [2.03] Perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm
  10. Digest-MD4              [1.1] Perl interface to the MD4 Algorithm
  11. Digest-MD5             [2.33] Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm
  12. Digest-SHA1            [2.07] Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
  13. File-CounterFile       [1.04] Persistent counter class
  14. Font-AFM               [1.18] Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
  15. HTML-Parser            [3.36] HTML parser class
  16. HTML-Tagset            [3.03] Data tables useful in parsing HTML
  17. HTML-Tree              [3.18] HTML syntax tree builder
  18. IO-Compress           [2.036] IO Interface to compressed data files/buffers
  19. IO-Zlib                [0.26] IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
  20. libwin32               [0.22] A collection of extensions that aims to provide comprehensive access to the Windows API.
  21. libwww-perl            [5.76] Library for WWW access in Perl
  22. MD5                    [2.03] Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm (obsolete)
  23. MIME-Base64            [2.23] Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
  24. Module-Build           [0.20] Build and install Perl modules
  25. Module-ScanDeps        [0.45] Recursively scan Perl programs for dependencies
  26. PAR                    [0.90] Perl Archive Tookit
  27. PAR-Dist               [0.07] Create and manipulate PAR distributions
  28. PathTools              [3.33] File::Spec and Cwd - portably perform operations on file names
  29. PPM                     [2.2] Perl Package Manager: locate, install, upgrade software packages.
  30. PPM-Agent-Perl        [3.0.4] PPM Installer Backend for Perl
  31. PPM-Make               [0.41] Make a ppm package from a CPAN distribution
  32. Scalar-List-Utils      [1.23] Common Scalar and List utility subroutines
  33. SOAP-Lite              [0.55] Library for Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) clients and servers in Perl
  34. Storable           [] persistency for perl data structures
  35. Test-Simple            [0.47] Basic utilities for writing tests
  36. Tk                  [800.024] A Graphical User Interface Toolkit
  37. URI                    [1.29] Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
  38. Win32                  [0.44] Interfaces to some Win32 API Functions
  39. XML-Parser             [2.27] A Perl module for parsing XML documents
  40. XML-Simple             [2.09] Easy API to read/write XML (esp config files)
  41. YAML                   [0.35] YAML Ain't Markup Language (tm)
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